Spicy Party Nuts

Perfect as a placed snack at any gathering, these homemade spicy nuts are especially great during the holidays to balance the abundance of sweets. Not only is this savory snack simple – it’s also an amazing hostess gift!

These nuts are also great made with our Sweet Ginger, Sweet Jalapeno Ketchup & Hot Habanero Ketchup


1 Tablespoon Spicy Garlic Saucey Sauce

1 cup Roasted Mixed Nuts (make sure to get salted nuts, but lightly salted if possible)


  1. Preheat oven to 350° F
  2. In mixing bowl add 1 Tablespoon of Spicy Garlic for every 1 Cup of nuts, mix to coat evenly
  3. Spread nuts in single layer on parchment paper lined cookies sheet
  4. Bake for about 10 mins; stirring after 5 mins and again every 2 mins until they are golden brown)
  5. Remove from oven and slide parchment onto counter to cool

Although the nuts are great warm, the flavor is even better after they’ve cooled completely.

Saucey Sauce Spicy Garlic Nuts - IngredientsA cookie sheet, spatula and just 1 bowl and a spoon is all you need for this quick and easy recipe!

Spicy Garlic Nuts - the pour

Prep Time = 30 seconds. Just add 1 T of Saucey Sauce per 1 C of your favorite nuts and stir.


Spicy Garlic Nuts - Quick Stir

After 5 mins baking at 350° F pull them out for a quick stir. Then back in for 5 more mins.


Spicy Garlic Nuts in bowl

After your nuts are cooled, put them in a festive bowl and share!

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