Sweet Ginger Pumpkin Seeds


Make a jack-o-lantern but don’t forget to use the seeds with our sauces to enjoy Halloween with a savory, tingly kick.

  1. Seed the pumpkin: Preheat the oven to 300° F. Using a spoon, scrape the pulp and seeds out of your pumpkin into a bowl.
  2. Clean the seeds by separating from the stringy pulp, rinse the seeds in a colander under cold water, then shake dry. Don’t blot with paper towels; the seeds will stick.
  3. Dry them by spreading the seeds in a single layer on an oiled baking sheet and roast 30 minutes so they dry out completely.
  4. When they’re still warm, drizzle about 2 tablespoons of Sweet Ginger Sauce on the seeds and toss lightly. Toss in about 1 teaspoon of ginger powder and 3 teaspoons of brown sugar to taste.

If you didn’t get a pumpkin, take the shortcut and buy about two cups of pumpkin seeds, (unroasted), warm them in the oven at 300° F for 5 mins and then proceed to step 4.


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